
Lines of research

The iiEDG’s main lines of research are as follows:

1. Gender perspective and sociocultural analysis of discourse and practice in different spheres: artistic, philosophical, historical, legal, medical, etc.
2. Analysis and socio/psycho/economic intervention with a gender focus (development, planning and design) in public policies programmes.
3. Basic research into theories and methodologies that make up the field of gender studies.
4. Application of theoretical and methodological principles with gender perspective to research into social problems such as violence, interculturality, equality, institutional sexism, sexual prejudice, etc.

These general lines are broken down into more specific lines, which are detailed below.

1. Studies of the conceptual network that sustains democratic policies: equality, liberty, otherness, sisterhood, diversity.
2. Justice, recognition: law and gender.
3. Reconstruction of the archaeology of female knowledge and know-how. The neuter temptation in dominant discourses and scientific paradigms.
4. The ages of woman. Childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age. Socio-affective relationships.
5. Maternity, assisted reproduction, bioethics.
6. Politics of desire in literary creation, film and the arts: construction and representation of the body.
7. Gender identities: symbolic constructions of femininity and masculinity.
8. Figures: the mother, the lesbian, the mystic, the prostitute, the “hysterical woman”.
9. Urban community: women as agents for the appropriation and socialisation of space. Urban networks: intercultural dynamics and construction of identities.
10. Violence against women: origin, discourse and practice. Processes of liberation and recovery.
11. Multiculturalism, postcolonialism and neocolonialism.
12. Health, gender and healthcare system. “Female” illnesses.
13. Equal opportunities in the workplace, gender-based salary discrimination, women’s representation in levels of responsibility and in technical professions, enterprise start-ups. Employment conditions, flexitime working, reconciling work and private life.
14. Didactics, innovation and co-education in primary and secondary teaching.
15. Didactics and innovation in higher education in technical, humanistic and experimental areas, development of methodologies from a gender perspective, incorporation of new technologies into learning.
16. Gender-sensitive employment, economics and public budgets.
17. Analysis of the rural environment from a gender perspective.
18. Recovery and visibility-raising of important Catalan women from through the ages.
19. Social participation of women, social groups promoting transformation towards non-patriarchal, liberating societies and identities.
20. Women’s History and Gender History
21. Labour history and gender