
Research Lines

1. Territory, migration and globalization

This topic combines research on territory and population in relation to aspects such as mobility, multiculturalism, community and welfare, and connects both the global and the local from a critical and intersectional perspective.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Women, gender, agriculture and rural development

b. Gender, urban planning and public spaces

c. The diverse geography of gender and everyday life

d. Gender, use of time, and public and private sector


2. Work, Time and Markets

This research line investigates the interdisciplinary reflexions of historians, economists, specialists in business organizations, sociologists, geographers, social and cultural anthropologists, pedagogues, specialists in the theory and history of communication and experts in public law and historical-legal sciences.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Reconciliation and sexual division of labour

b. Discrimination / Equality

c. Evolution of labour: gender and society

d. Employment, gender and migration

e. Cultures of productive and reproductive work


3. Identities, Relations and Groups: Social Constructions and Rights

This research line includes issues regarding different corporal, personal, social identities. It deals with emotional issues, family relationships and the politics that emerge around them, the inequality outcomes that are generated and the political and normative framework that regulates them.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Bodily identities. Gender, race and culture

b. Diversity, family welfare and family policies

c. Emotional and/or sexual relationships

d. Legislation and gender


4. Social Movements, Activism and Gender Policies

The mainstreaming of gender has enhanced studies of social movements, cultural and political institutions and the processes of social development by which women have played a leading role in contemporary society. This in turn has strengthened the critical analysis of the history of women and gender, a history that played a pioneering role in establishing this academic discipline in Spain.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Social movement typologies and the end of the pre-industrial model: the moral economy of gender

b. Analysis of the processes of social participation: the social and political development of women in the contemporary world

c. The biography of women and gender

5. Power Relations and Patriarchal Violence

Due to its complexity this field combines various approaches regarding legal, sociological, educational and historical aspects. It focuses on the physical, psychological, discursive and symbolic violence in interpersonal relationships, in the workplace and in institutions. It also centres on actions, movements and initiatives aimed at preventing and eradicating situations of violence and that offer support to people affected by such situations.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Legislation on gender violence

b. Detection, prevention and intervention

c. Transformation of identities and patriarchal relations: masculinity, sexuality and empowerment

d. Institutional violence

e. Social control, women and imprisonment


6. Education and Values

This research line looks at the continuity between the students’ private and academic life in the form of values that will allow them to develop equitable relationships between women and men in their social environments. The research line investigates the construction of new circuits that allow students to move from their own private spaces to embrace scientific and cultural knowledge for themselves. One of the main objectives is to highlight self-knowledge and that of people in the same environment in order to create a universe of knowledge which is closer to real life experiences.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Gender issues and values

b. Models of personal relationships and gender in adolescents and young adults


7. Health: Promotion, Technology and Diversity

These topics involve the study of ideas regarding health, illness and dependencies treated from different perspectives, including historical studies and beliefs in the notion of illness and the medical professions, especially regarding the female body. Particular emphasis is placed on the physical and psychological diseases that arise in modern societies, dependent persons and their consequent care needs. The role of women and institutions in these areas is also considered.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Dependency: care and institutions

b. Social constructions of illness, health and body: depathologisation of psychological and social diseases

c. The transformation of androcentric health care and research protocols

d. Women and Information and Communication Technologies


8. Language, communication and artistic production

This research line addresses female and male representations which are either explicitly or implicitly found in different artistic and media spheres such as literature, theatre, cinema, TV, the press, etc. It also investigates from a gender perspective the different ways in which these media are perceived and noticed by the public, the sexist orientation of language discourses and the literary figures that make up an important part of our culture. In particular, the study of women's literature offers a glimpse into the ways that women contemplate their outer and inner worlds and share common culture and experiences as women.

The research areas of this line are, among others:

a. Femininity and masculinity in artistic circles and media

b. Languages, literature and gender

c. Women writers and artists