
Frequently asked questions

  • Is this an official master's degree? YES
  • Is it possible to change specialisation once you have enrolled and started the course? NO
  • Is it possible to change speciality after the first course is finished? NO
  • Can you access a doctorate from both specialisations? YES
  • Is it possible to change the modality (face-to-face/online) after the Master's Degree has been started? NO
  • Can the same optional courses be done in both specialisations? YES
  • Are the optional courses the same in face-to-face and online modality? Yes, the catalogue is the same, but their offer can vary. The annual offer is made public around May each year.
  • Are all subjects in the optivity catalogue offered every year? NO. The offer varies every year depending on the availability of teachers. As this is an official Master's Degree, the offer is subject to the authorisations given by the different universities for their teachers to teach Master's degrees. For its part, the academic commission of the master's degree course tries to have subjects offered at least biannually so that students increase their options for the subjects they prefer.
  • Students online have the ability to perform pre-enrol tutoring online. Do students have the same choice? NO. In-person tutoring must be carried out by the in-person students, even those living outside Barcelona must personally travel within the deadlines set each year.
  • In what language are classes taught? Classes are taught in Spanish and Catalan. There are some readings in English, but the instructions of the teachers, the interactions between students and the exercises are done in Spanish/Catalan. In case you aren't fluent in Spanish, it is advisable to improve your level before enroling.
  • Where are the classes taught? Classes are taught at the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona.
  • How is the title requested? To apply for the master's degree you must send an email to  with your personal data, in order to have access to the online procedure. You can check the required data at the following link: