
PhD Students in the Program



Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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I have a bachelor of arts in International Relations by the Tecnologico de Monterrey, (Mexico), I have completed a master's Degree in International Cooperation at Institute for Development and Cooperation (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); I have also studied the master's Degree on Gender, Women and Citizenship Studies at the Barcelona University. I have professionally developed as a consultant and as a research technique on issues of gender, culture and development since 2001 in different organizations and entities. I have worked for the municipality of Centro (Tabasco, Mexico) in the design and evaluation of gender equality policies and training against sexist violence. Executive leader with more than 15 years of experience in consulting and training across multiple fields ranging from: Gender, Social Development, Education, Entrepreneurship, and Cultural Affairs. Conceptualized and performed Development projects in both Private & Public sectors. My research project is framed within the field of women's historiography. The provisional title of the thesis is: Women human rights defenders in Chihuahua, Mexico: toward a reconceptualization and resignification of justice, memory, reparation and activism in the gender key. The director is Montserrat Carbonell Esteller. 

Research line: 4. Social movements, activism, gender policies.

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Psychologist, Master in Social Psychology with Mention of Development of Healthy Organizations, University of Talca, Chile, Master in Human Resources and Organization Management, Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Spain. PhD of the interuniversity program Gender Studies, Culture, Societies and Politics of the Universitat de Barcelona, member of the Copolis Interuniverse Group "Welfare, Community and Social Control". Her main research line relates to policies of labor-family conciliation, co-responsibility and care work, participating in projects and research in this line at the University of Talca, Chile and the Universitat de Barcelona. In the professional field she has been in public and private organizations mainly in the area of Human Resources, Organizational Development and Equality. 

Research line: 2. Work, time and markets

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Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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She is a Social Worker from the University of Concepción (Chile), and DEA in Social Anthropology from the University of Seville (Spain). She has worked as an assistant professor and researcher at Universidad del Bío-Bío (2006-2017), and as a collaborating professor at Universidad Andrés Bello (2010-2016). In research he has directed and co-directed projects in the field of gender studies, public policies and social intervention. In 2016 he obtained a scholarship from the Advanced Human Capital Training Program of CONICYT-CHILE to study Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Research line: 2. Work, time and markets

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Bachelor in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Master in Management of Adventure Tourism Activities by the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville), and Master in Gendering Practices by the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Currently, I am Ph.D. student in the Interuniversity Program of Gender Studies: Culture, Society and Policies, and a member of the research group Motiva2: Sport, Organization and Security at the University Pablo de Olavide. I am also an activist in Bloque Andaluz de Revolución Sexual and in the Association Somateca Revoltosa (a participatory research/action workshop that, through trips to the outdoors, workshops, talks, and intellectual production of various kinds, aims to create an inclusive and diverse outdoor culture). My research has focused, from an autoethnography- and queer and feminist methodologies perspective, on the experiences of trans people in sport and in physical activities in the natural environment. Other research topics that interest me are the interrelations between queer and outdoor pedagogies.

Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

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Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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PhD student in Gender, politic and society, Research line: Education and Values; Magister en Social Phycology, Master in Theory and Conflict Resolution; Sociologist. Work experience in Gender, Femicide, Children, Sustainable Development; Armed Conflict; Historical Memory, and Human Rights Protection in India, Nepal, Brazil, El Salvador, Mexico and Colombia. University Teacher in national and international context. Has performed as a consultant on Latin American & The Caribbean in the United Nations Development Program and UNICEF. As well in University of Notre Dame.   

Research line: 5. Power relations and patriarchal violence

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Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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She holds a degree in Anthropology from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito and a Master's Degree in Social Policy and Community Action from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She is currently a PhD student in the Interuniversity Program for Gender Studies: Culture, Society and Policy, predoctoral researcher of the research group "Society, Policies and Inclusive Communities" (SoPCI) of the UVic: Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya and member of the UNESCO Women, Development and Cultures Chair of the UVic: Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. Her research has been based on issues related to the feminist economy, the common economy and paid and unpaid care. His scientific production has revolved around the analysis the defamiliarization of care in Ecuador's welfare regime; the contribution of community care spaces supported by public administrations to the democratization of the provision and reception of care for the elderly; and gender-based violence against older women in Ecuador.

Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

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  • ORCID: 0000-0001-8110-6373




Researcher of the Grup Educació i Gènere, Implementació de la perspectiva de gènere a la facultat de ciències de l’educació (UAB), collaborator of the teaching innovation project "Desbordar el aula" (EHU/UPV-UAB) and member of the Amanda Labarca Feminist Teachers Circle (Chile). Degree in Pedagogy (UMCE), Professor of Differential Education specializing in Language and Hearing Problems (UMCE), Master in Methods for Social Research (UDP).Her main lines of research are: initial teacher training, feminsm and gender perspective as an educational tool and strategy, identity building and autobiographical narratives in teachers. She is currently a student of the Doctoral Program of Gender Studies: Culture, Societies and Policies and performs his thesis on the construction of teaching identity by incorporating the gender perspective and feminsmos during his initial training. Activist of the Chilean feminist movement.

Research line: 5. Power relations and patriarchal violence

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Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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PhD in film and gender studies at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, in the Group of Gender Studies: Translation, Literature, History and Communication. Master's Degree in Contemporary History and Culture from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Degree in Journalism at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. Prior to the foray in the academic field he was part of the writing team of Televisió de Catalunya, in the information channel 24h 3/24, in the Telenotícies, programs such as Els Matins and in sections of international and culture.

Research line: 8. Language, communication and artistic productions.

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Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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Research line: 8. Language, communication and artistic productions.

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Feminist comunicator with expertise raising awareness on issues surrounding gender and development in the digital space. She has worked with several international and grassroots NGOs in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Uganda and Nicaragua focusing on youth, feminism, sexuality, conflict, global health and entrepreneruship.

She holds a MA on Education, Gender and International Development from Univeristy College London. For her dissertation, she researched sex education and its effect in constructing gendered identities in Uganda. 

Georgina is today a PhD candidate with the Gender Studies: Culture, Societies and Politics programme at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Additionally, she works for the research centre Internaitonal Institute for Environment and Development and leads the editorial team at Young Feminist Europe.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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Technical Director of the Observatori del Tercer Sector and professor associated with the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Universitat Pompeu i Fabra. Graduated in Sociology and graduated in statistics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, her thesis work 'The participation of women in the third sector. Analysis compared by welfare regimes' is part of the Industrial Doctorates program. 

Research line: 4. Social movements, activism, gender policies.

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Art historian and specialist in children's and youth literature, she deals with gender education with training and education projects in schools, museums and "unconventional" places, such as prisons and psychiatric patient care communities. She is an activist at the feminist association SCOSSE in Rome (, which promotes gender education and the fight against all forms of discrimination, from violence against women, to homotransphobia and bullying. In this association, he deals with the projects Read without stereotypes, Fammi Capire and the Red Nacional Educare alle differenze-Italy. PhD student in Law Studies at the URV.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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I studied psychology and did my postgraduate studies (MsC and Esp.) in the field of clinical psychology. Since 2015 I am a teacher-researcher at the Universidad el Bosque (Colombia), where I work mainly in gender-based violence and armed conflict.  The research I conduct in this doctoral program is part of the line: power relations and patriarchal violence. In this, I explore the discourses that shape the process of rebuilding the body of women who have been the victims of attacks with chemical agents in Colombia from a feminist theoretical and methodological approach. The research is co-directed by Dolors Comas d'Argemir and Angel Martínez Hernáez.

Research line: 5. Power relations and patriarchal violence

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Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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She holds a PhD in Sociology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a professor at the Universidad de Chile. She is an external evaluator member of the Government Programmes Assessment (EPG) expert panel of the Budget Directorate of the Government of Chile. He has implemented various evaluations of programs and public policies in Chile, has been a member of several international evaluation teams of Equal Opportunity Plans in Spain, Chile and Uruguay. She has published academic articles on public policy and gender, diversity and equity, gender and social program evaluation. 

Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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Psychologist, master in clinical psychology with specialty in psychoanalytical theory and clinic (Diego Portales University, Chile), psychoanalyst. I have been professor in the Andrés Bello University (Chile) and Autonomous University (Chile). At present I am candidate to PhD in Gender and Women in the Vi-Universidad Central de Catalunya University, where my research is devoted to the possible potentialities and limitations found between psychoanalysis and Queer Theories and those theoretical elements that can nourish one or the other theory. My Dissertation is entitled (Un)encounters between psychoanalysis and Queer Theory. I am cofounder of Prisma Psychology in Bilbao, an institution dedicated to specialized attention for women and Igtbiq* population.

Research lines: Psychoanalysis and gender; psychoanalysis and sexual diversity; psychoanalysis and Queer Theory; psychoanalytical policies.

Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

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She holds a PhD in Spanish Literature and Civilization at the University of Grenoble Alpes (France) and in Gender Studies at Rovira i Virigili University. Her thesis is entitled "Humanitarian aid and gender: the image of women in NGOs, the case of Latin America".

University of Grenoble Alpes

  • CERHIS internal research lines: Art and literature.
  • Cross-cutting line of research: 
    • Migrations, frontières et relations internationales

Universitat Rovira i Virigili 

  • Line of research: Language, communication and artistic productions.

She is a contract professor at the University of Grenoble Alpes in the degrees of Applied Foreign Languages and Foreign and Regional Literature and Civilization Languages. 

Research line: 8. Language, communication and artistic productions.

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I am a psychologist from the Autonomous University of Central America in Costa Rica (UACA). I also have a Master's Degree in Women's Studies with an emphasis on Intrafamily and Gender Violence from the University of Costa Rica - UCR- and the National University of Costa Rica -UNA-. For more than fifteen years I worked in the care and prevention of gender violence. For eight years I have been working as an academic and researcher at the Women's Studies Institute of the UNA. I am also a teacher of the Master's Degree in Intrafamily and Gender Violence and Bachelor's Degree in Gender and Development. The research carried out, as well as the publications and presentations have been oriented to the field of intrafamily violence and other forms of violence against women (2009-2011), sexual abuse and incest (2006), sexual harassment and institutional policies in this area (2011-2017). The proposal is circumscribed in the research line of the doctorate on Power Relations and Patriarchal Violence. The provisional theme of the thesis is "The culture of rape and its impact on young Costa Rican women". The directors are Montserrat Rifa Valls and Margo Pujal i Llombart, both from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Research line: 5. Power relations and patriarchal violence.

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Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity.

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I am a sociologist by the Autonomous University of Barcelona and master in territorial and population studies by the Center for Demographic Studies of the same university. In the last ten years I have worked in two areas. On the one hand, as a feminist researcher in European projects on gender-related violences and sexual violence (Gap WorkUSVreact). I’ve also been part of the Seminari of Feminist Research Methodology and the Gredi research group at the Rovira i Virgili University. On the other hand, as a member of the Candela Cooperative where I coordinate projects in coeducation, gender-related violences prevention and sexual and gender diversity from a feminist and community perspective. I am also a trainer of varied audiences in these subjects, an LGTBI + youth educator in the Oasis project and I have been a teacher of the Social Education degree in the subject of "Community, social environement and community action".

My PhD focuses on the interaction of these two fields. I evaluate two projects of gender-related violences prevention, specifically two training programmes for professionals, incorporating the principles of feminist research. The idea is to generate tools to improve the evaluative processes that end up reversing in an improvement of the formative programs that seek the eradication of all these violence.

Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

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I have a degree in Political Science by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; I have also a Master’s degree in Gender, Women and Citizenship Studies from the Institut Interuniversitari d’Estudis de Gènere. In the professional field I have developed as a consultant, social researcher and teacher since 2008 in different institutions. I have worked for multiple municipalities in the design and evaluation of policies of gender equality and against gender violence and I have participated in research projects on different topics such as the impact of the crisis on the living conditions of women in the city of Barcelona (2013), gender mainstreaming in the Catalan public administration (2015), parenting groups and day mothers in the city of Barcelona (2017) and senior cohousing (2020). Since 2017 I contribute in de Master's degree in Gender and Communication (UAB) and the Master's degree in Social Politicy and Community Action (Escola de l'IGOP - UAB). My Phd project is framed in the field of feminist economics and the care economics, and proposes to carry out a comparative analysis of different cases of community care management, capturing what potential and limits the community has as an agent of resolution of care needs in the key of social justice and gender. The provisional title of the project is The community-based organization of care and is directed by Sandra Ezquerra.

Research line: 2. Work, time and markets

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Candidate for PhD in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies (Universidad Rovira i Virgili plus four universities in collaboration). Doctoral thesis focused on the political participation of women in Spain for social change. Degree in Journalism and Diploma in Biblioteconomy and Documentation from the Unviersidad Carlos III of Madrid. Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication at the Unviersidad de Navarra & The George Washington University. He advises in the cabinet of the presidency of the Government of Spain. She has more than ten years of professional experience as a political consultant in more than six countries. She has been an associate at the Unviersidad Carlos III of Madrid. She is the author of Más políticas, para otra política (Antonio Machado, 2020), Se llamaba Alfredo... las claves de una derrota electoral (LAERTES, 2013) and A Praga desde la Mitad del Mundo (, 2017). She has obtained several international recognitions for his career. On August 6, 2016, she collected the Victory Award at Georgetown University, Washington DC, and was awarded one of the 12 most influential women in the world of political communication.

Research line: 8. Language, communication and artistic productions.

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Degree in Labor Sciences from the UOC, Social Graduate from the Universidad de Valladolid, Master in Gender Studies, Women and Citizenship, in the Specialty of Gender, public policies and feminist research by the IIEDG of Catalonia. Professor-Consultant of the UOC in subjects on Gender, Jobs, and Socio-Labor Intermediation. Technique of employment and local development in various Town Halls. My lines of research are public employment policies and the development of careers from a gender perceptual. 

Research line: 2. Work, time and markets

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Psychologist, Master in Social Psychology at the Universidad Católica del Norte. She is currently an assistant professor at the University of Antofagasta, Chile. She conducts doctoral research at the Autonomous University of Barcelona through a CONICYT scholarship for studies abroad. Thesis theme: Corpolugarities in South American women living in camps. Thesis address: Anna Ortiz Guitart and Diego Falconi Trávez. Research and action topics: Gender, interculturality, migration, childhood.

Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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Cecilia MORENO


Research line: 4. Social movements, activism, gender policies.

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She is a PhD candidate in Gender Studies at the University of Barcelona. She has a Master's degree in International Relations, Security and Development, a postgraduate degree in Culture of Peace and a bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpretation. She studies transnational feminism and feminist coalitions and is currently writing her dissertation on feminist coalitions and Kurdish women in the Diaspora. In 2019 was a visiting scholar at the University of Washington, where she explored theories on feminist coalitions.  

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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My professional, academic and personal life has always been linked to social action, with more than ten years of work experience, between the Third Sector and the Public Administration in Catalonia, in the sector of care for people. I graduated in Labour Sciences from the Universitat de Barcelona in 2010 and in 2008 I completed the Diploma of Social Work by the same university. In 2016 I complemented my academic training with a Master of Management and Management of Social Entities (Facultat Pere Tarrés-Ramon Llull) and in 2012 I completed the Master of European Policies of International Development Cooperation (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). With the aim of continuing to train, I am currently a PhD in Gender, Culture, Society and Policy Studies at IIEDG- Universitat de Barcelona. My research is part of the Care Economy (work, time and market) in order to contribute to the professionalization of the sector dedicated to the care of people with dependence, more specifically home support services since public provision.

Research line: 2. Work, time and markets

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Graduated in Sociology from Universitat de Barcelona. Master’s Degree in Applied Research to Feminism, Gender and Citizenship Studies at Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. I am, currently, writing a doctoral thesis in Gender Studies at Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya. My research addresses the history of the spanish feminist movement and trans activism, and the participation of trans people in feminist spaces.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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I am a Social Worker from the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University and I am Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Granada University and Master's in Sexology at the Camilo José Cela University. Since 2003 I am an associate professor in the Social Work Area of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University. My doctoral thesis project is a biographical-narrative study of trans adolescence and its accompaniment.  It is directed by Gerard Coll-Planas and co-directed by Mª Eugenia Cardenal.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (UB), Master’s degree in Women Studies, Gender and Citizenship. Currently, studying a PhD in Gender Studies in the research line "Identities, relations and groups: social constructions and rights". Research on LGBTI youth and private space. Work experience in awareness-raising, prevention and intervention in gender-based violence and violence LGBTI phobia addressed to young people and youth workers. Coordination and participation in trainings and elaboration of protocols for gender-based violence and LGBTI phobia. Working with children and young people in education and leisure activities, participation in cultural projects and voluntary programmes at a local and international level. Participation in feminist and LGBT movements.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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Human Rights Officer at the United Nations Human Rights Office. He has studied political science, international relations, human rights and international aid and development. His research interests in the gender studies programme of the University of Barcelona focus on irregular migrant women, domestic labour and the migration policy of the European Union. 

Research line: 1. Territory, migration and globalization

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Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

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PhD Candidate on Gender Studies at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Architect by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Masters Degree in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies by Universitat de Barcelona (UB). I'm co-founder of Equal Saree Association, where I've been working since 2011, taking part in research-action projects, creating participatory methodologies related to urban and spatial transformations, developing socio-spatial analysis and indicators and evaluating the gender impact of urban design. My research addresses the connections between spatial and urban design, gender inequalities and the hidden curriculum in primary education. I've collaborated in numerous publications on participatory methodologies and urban space co-design and participated in international conferences and trainings.

Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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Fernando SANCHO


Sociologist. Master's Degree in Social Sciences with Gender Mention and Development from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences FLACSO-Sede Ecuador. He currently holds the Interuniversity Doctorate in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies and Policies at the University of Girona, through a scholarship awarded by the National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science and Technology SENESCYT of Ecuador. He is part of the Research Group Speech, Gender, Science and Culture [DIGECIC] led by Dr. Teresa Cabruja Ubach. He develops his doctoral thesis research entitled: De delincunetes y enfermos a ciudadanos: politización de los activismos LGBTIQ+ en Ecuador.. His lines of research focus on gender studies, sexualities and LGBTIQ+ studies.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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Research line: 5. Power relations and patriarchal violence

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Graduate and Master in Political Science (School of Social Sciences, UdelaR), with a postgraduate diploma in Gender and Public Policy (FCS, UdelaR) and in Political Science (FCS, UdelaR). PhD student in the Gender Studies Program: Cultures, Societies and Policies (Universities of Barcelona, Autonomous of Barcelona, Girona, Rovira i Virgili and Vic- Central University of Catalunya). Teacher and researcher at the Universidad de la República of Uruguay since 2009, developing lines of research mainly related to gender, sexual and gender diversity, domestic violence, public policies and social dialogue processes. She has served as a consultant for various national and international organizations regarding her research areas. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute of Health Psychology (School of Psychology, UdelaR) and at the Teaching Group in Political Science (School of Law, UdelaR). She is also a researcher in the line of Studies on Sexual and Gender Diversity of Vic’s University.

Research line: 7. Health: promotion, technologies and diversity

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Fotini Maria TSOLOUKA 


Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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PhD student in Gender Studies: Cultures, societies and policies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Magister in Cultural Studies from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá and professor at the Department of Cultural Studies of the same university. Her lines of research are gender studies, political ecology and the formation of environmental and educational subjectivities. Her doctoral research asks about the effects of climate change and water scarcity on rural women in a municipality of Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Research line: 1. Territory, migration, globalization.

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Community Midwife, BA in History and MA in Women and Gender Studies. Assistant Professor of Sexual and Reproductive Health Nursing at Universitat de Barcelona. Currently she’s a PhD Student at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She’s conducting her research on queer reproductions and, in particular, reproduction and non binary people. Apart from sexual and gender diversity, she’s also interesed in everything related to sexual and reproductive healthcare and queer studies.

Research line: 3. Identities, relationships and groups: social constructions.

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She is a professor of biology and natural sciences and a degree in education from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and a Master in Sociology from Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Participates in the National Scientific Research Program for Science Education at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (ICEC-PUCV) and the Universidad de Playa Ancha (ICEC-UPLA), the program is a pedagogical innovation initiative aimed at improving the quality of science education, which emerges within the framework of the Agenda to Strengthen Public Education of the Ministry of Education in Chile. His lines of interest are part of the studies of feminist epistemology and scientific education.

Research line: 4. Social movements, activism, gender policies.

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I have a Degree in Political and Administration Sciences from the UAB, Postgraduate Diploma in Peace Culture and in Gender and Equality and I have studied the Master's Degree in Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies. Since 2003 I have worked as a researcher at the Escola de Cultura de Pau, at the UAB. My expertise areas are gender analysis of armed conflicts and peace processes and the international Gender, Peace and Security agenda. I have also participated in different consultancy projects related to peace processes and the participation of women, as well as in the design of peacebuilding tools with a gender perspective, such as the Second Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security of Spain. I have worked as a freelance translator translating several books about gender and armed conflictivity. I am part of the Women’s International League (WILPF) and also of the Mediterranean Women Mediators Network and I participate as an expert member of the Catalan Council for Peace Promotion. My thesis is framed within peace and security feminist studies and the development of the international agenda on gender, peace and security. The provisional title is "UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. A tool for building engendered peace processes" and is directed by Dr. Encarna Bodelón.

Research line: 4. Social movements, activism, gender policies.

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She holds a degree in Journalism from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona(UAB) and a master's degree in International Relations from the Institut de Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). As a journalist she has collaborated with Cadena SER, efe agency, Time Out, Mè and is currently a columnist for Vilaweb. Individually, she has been recognized with the Media Civic Award awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2018 and the Món Rural Journalism Award 2019 for the report La revolució dels afectes quilòmetre zero. She has also received the Non-Sexist Communication Award 2014 awarded by the Association of Women Journalists of Catalonia to the collective project, a cultural medium of which she is co-founder. She is curator of the Femme in Arts festival, at the Lo Pati Art Centre of the Network of Visual Arts Centres of Catalonia. His current research deals with the confession of non-regulatory identities in the family context through self-produced videos.

Research line: 8. Language, communication and artistic productions.

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